Sunday, March 16, 2008

Waddlez the Penguin

Riley & Carter received penguins from Gram & Grandad this week. Gram & Grandad got them for the boys on a recent trip and sent them with the Easter treats for the boys. (they are also wearing the hats that Gram & Grandad got for Brian and I). Little known fact : according to the Darden Boys (clearly the experts on all things "DUDE") in order to be a "dude," one must wear their hat backwards. But back to the penguins. Each of the boys came up with a name for their penguin - Riley's is Waddles (makes sense... Penguins do waddle... and it goes along with his "naming theme" the duck named Quack, the Dog named Ruff, the Horse named Pony...need I go on?). And Carter... well, he named his Penguin Ramsey. Now, we have a friend named Ramsey but Carter hasn't seen him since LAST SUMMER... so we have NO IDEA where he came up with it. We even tried to convince him to change the name... but he wouldn't have it. Riley wanted to make a nametag for Waddles... here is our "practice sheet"... when he put it on the name tag, Waddles became Waddlez. It amazes me that our "little peanut" is going to be in kindergarten next year... and our friend Jenny (who is a kindergarten teacher) said he is way ahead of the game if he can recognize letters... not to mention write them all! Watch out world, we are about to enter the realm of school age kiddos... I don't think I'm old enough for this :)


Anonymous said...

ahhh... to go back in time, no, "Hannah Montanna", "this boy likes me", "homework everynight".
The list could go on and on. I miss the little girls that just sit in my lap and listen to me read to them. Now they read to me and they read better than I do!
Cute boys, I mean Dudes!

Lisa Darden said...

Hannah Montana... nu-uh, homework everynight... yuck! boys.... NOOOOOOOO! your girls CAN NOT be old enough for boys! what is this world coming to????
Do you have a shotgun?? a BIG shotgun??? that should take care of the boys for awhile!

Anonymous said...

That's what I'm saying, they are not old enough! 9,7 not old enough! At least they think it's gross when boys and girls kiss on TV, but I don't know how long that will last.