Sunday, March 9, 2008

Animal Planet and Superheroes

You may wonder what Animal Planet and Superheroes have in common... well.... it all happened this week in the Darden House.

Riley discovered Animal Planet this last week. Now, if he has to choose between say Backyardigans (a longstanding favorite) and ANY show on Animal Planet - he will always choose the latter. So, while playing this week, we have been a family of crocodiles, turtles, and hippos (just what every mom wants - to be referred to as "mama hippo").

And in the few short moments that we have not been an animal family, the boys are superheroes. I got home this afternoon to "GOGGLEMAN" who saved me from some unseen danger as I walked into the house.

I love being the mom of BOYS! and my boys have imaginations that daily amaze me!