Friday, March 21, 2008


Warning - I drank coffee this morning (it was 1/2 caf... but that doesn't seem to make a difference)... this will be RANDOM!

I LOVE THIS PIC! Brian is such a great daddy!

We often tease the boys, saying "We don't have any fun in this house." This, of course, causes lots of giggles and laughter.

I've started telling them I don't want to see smiles... I'll have to post their "attempts" at a grumpy face... it's pretty darn funny! Carter couldn't fake a grumpy face, even if his life depended on it!

Spring break starts tonight!!!! YIPPPEEEEE! a week of Daddy at home. We have big plans... hang out, hang out some more, oh.... and the ZOO! This morning Carter poked Brian and told him, "I poked you so you can't go to work." If only it were that easy! (Brian would have liked to stay home today - he has to pack up CSAP - state testing - stuff).... but it's a great reminder that we are lucky to have Brian home so often! YEAH for my school counselor HUSBAND!