Tuesday, April 1, 2008


This one is for Grandpa!

Background info - I often tease the boys... telling them they can't grow up. And, my dad retired last year to go back to school... and get his doctorate. So... it's not really retirement as much as a career change... Don't ask what it's in... he will have to post that in the comments since I can't remember (sorry Padre).

Me: "So I made a decision. There will not be any growing up in this house."

Riley: "But I want to go to college. I want to go to Texas Tech college" (sorry babe, that's what he called it)

Me: "You don't want to do that... it's a long way from Gram & Grandad's house. And, when you were little Grandpa agreed to pay for college if you went to the U-Dub (University of Washington)."

Riley: "When I grow up I want to live in Seattle so I can see Grandma all the time and go to college and graduate with Grandpa.... and you can come visit"

Me: "Well, you won't be able to graduate with Grandpa because he will be done by the time you get to college."

note... this is the same child who just a few weeks ago told me he wanted to live with me forever... I should have known that you throw Grandma in the mix and I quickly become CHOPPED LIVER!


Kimberly said...

Lisa - I feel your pain, as I too am very quickly forgotten, by the little girl who has told me for years that she is nevering moving out and going to live with Daddy and me forever, whenever Grandma or Papa are around. Now that I mention it she would really much rather to talk her Daddy than myself on the phone as well. How do these things happen? We carry them around for at least nine months in our bodies while they literally turn our insides into mush. We deliver them (which is a feat unto itself). We get up in the middle of the night for months on end to feed them and change them and the minute they start talking the first words out of their mouths are Da-da!!! How do ya like that? And yet, I wouldn't change it for the world. You? ;)

Lisa Darden said...

Kim... I agree completely! We become chopped liver so quickly... but when they don't feel good - they want Mama, when they fall down - only Mama will do... when I was pregnant my boss told me "having kids is agreeing to wear your heart on your sleeve - all the time. you will laugh harder, cry harder, and wonder how you lived without them" and it is SO DARN TRUE!!!
oh... did you see that your hubby wants a tues. nite dinner for his birthday... i told him i would try to inform the "appropriate people" :)
I hope all is well in your wonderful new house!

Kimberly said...

Thank you for informing me of my husbands completely bizarre request to you for a Tuesday night dinner. If I hadn't actually read thru all the comments on that particular post I suppose I could've gotten away with flying him out to Colorado to join your family for a fabulous Tuesday night dinner. Now he'll just have to make do with a trip to Ruth Chris Steak House. Which by the way I might add when we went last year he said was a once in a life time event. Apparently he meant once in his 34 years of life but when 35 rolls around he gets to wipe the slate clean and head there once again. You'll have to let him know that if he wants to go to Ruth Chris he'll have to start saving up or paying me to be a stay-at-home mom. ;0

Chelsea said...

My boys tell me that they want to live with B and I forever. However, this is on the conditions that their wives and all of their children can live with us too. I need to start looking for some land.
Great story!

Anonymous said...

There is land out here! and we are out here! I'l start looking and drawing up plans for you.
My B-day is on a Sunday so we can't do the Tuesday night dinner for my B-day.

Lisa Darden said...

C - welcome back!
sounds like you need a LOT of land! and, i hope you like the future daughter-in-laws... or you may need even MORE land!

K - you can TOTALLY have a tuesday nite on a Sunday... we just moved ours to Thursday (but we still call it tues. nite dinner...)