Thursday, April 10, 2008

"Awww, Man!"

The following story happened in our car this morning.

Me - "Hey boys, I talked to Gram last night and she and Grandad are going to be here for BOTH of your birthday parties."

Carter - "Awwww, man"

Me - "Carter, are you excited that Gram and Grandad can come?"

Carter - "YES!!!"

Riley - "Carter, you don't say 'awww, man' when you are excited, you say 'YEAH!'"


Anonymous said...

"Awww, man" this blog is great!

Lisa Darden said...

K & K...
I really underestimated what lil' lisa meant... perhaps we should just stick with it... if it takes this much effort to change. and, i never even thought of the implications of trying to inform the DEW CREW of the change (and we all know that old habits die hard).
For the sake of y'all's sanity and the rest of the crew, i will forever be lil' lisa

Lisa Darden said...

hey... wait a minute! what happened to Kim's comment...
i must have erased it when i meant to erase mine... sorry Kim!

but... who is sheena and what does NL3 stand for???

Kimberly said...

You'll have to use your high speed internet and Keith's favorite website to figure out who Sheena E is but the clue lies within your comment having to do with the 80's and your lack of music knowledge during that time.
And NL3 stands for No Longer Lil' Lisa! =)

Kimberly said...

okay so I decided to look up sheena e on keith's favorite website and ended up not finding what I was looking for. so I went to my favorite information website which is and now I've totally confused myself so no wonder you have NO IDEA what I'm talking about. i can't find anywhere that she is actually listed as sheena e so I'm wondering if I am confusing two different people. look her up under sheena easton. i really, really thought that she went by the stage name sheena e but now i just don't know!

Anonymous said...

one name change and now we don't hear from you anymore.(

Anonymous said...

Do you need bail money?