Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Buffalo named....

Our sweet friend Skyler gave Carter this buffalo. The boys are very creative with the names of their animals (ie - a duck named quack, a frog named ribbit, you get the idea..) but this about killed me I laughed so hard. Here is how the conversation went:

"Hey Carter, does your bison have a name?"


"What is it?"

"His name is Donkey."

"Your bison's name is Donkey?"

"Yep, but he's a buffalo."
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Kimberly said...

Savanah still, at age 7 1/2 (or as she informed this morning before school - 7 3/4), still names all of her stuffed animals Mr. ----. You fill in the blank. As in Mr. Bear, Mr. Pig, Mr. Penguin, Mr. Bunny (even if said bunny is a girl). You get the picture. She was rather offended the other day when her older sister pointed out to her that all of her stuffed animals had the same name. (She seems to have a lot of bears!)

I think Donkey is a WONDERFUL name for a buffalo!!!

Lisa Darden said...

I love it! 7 3/4 is such an important age!
We have a ton of bears... we have momma bear, daddy bear, baby bear, brother bear and my personal favorite... firetruck bear (my aunt gave Riley the bear and a firetruck... makes perfect sense!)

Carter thanks you for appreciating his sense of humor :)

Chelsea said...

SOOOOOOO cute. I just love it! there should be a book about a buffalo named Donkey. Here's how it would begin....There once was a buffalo named Donkey. He wasn't like all the other buffalos. No, he was continue.

By the way I still have my Mr. Rabbit that the kids take turns sleeping with.

Lisa Darden said...

Chelsea - that is a GREAT idea... maybe the boys can make up the stories (that would be interesting, to say the least)... anyone know an illustrator?

The Darden Family presents:
The Adventures of a buffalo named Donkey!

Anonymous said...

My bear from when I was wee has a brilliant name, Teddy!

Kimberly said...

I thought and thought all day about why the "book" sounded rather familiar. Then all of a sudden it came to me. Has anyone else ever read the book - A Porcupine named Fluffy?
It was a pretty cute book. I can't wait to read about the buffalo named Donkey!

Lisa Darden said...

I've never heard of that book... i wonder if the library has it... i'm gonna have to find out!

maybe we'll start a blog tradition of stories about "the buffalo named Donkey"