Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New things at the Darden House

It's been an interesting month or so... to say the least... we have a couple new additions to the house. Most recently:

TA-DA!!!! Just what everyone wants to purchase right before the holidays! The fridge DIED and we had to replace it... so fun!!
On a positive note, Brian hooked up the water supply (with a little help from our favorite local uncle... Thanks Uncle Jim)!!

and... approximately a month earlier we got these:

OOOOOOOOOh, Awwwwwwwww... i know.. amazing...
and yet another expense we were SO excited about!
if you notice - the manuals are still on the washer and dryer... you need a degree in engineering or something to work these suckers!

Ok, enough complaining...
we have much to be thankful for... eventhough we didn't want to spend the moolah!
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Kimberly said...

ooo la la!!!!! what nice, bright and shiny new appliances you have!!!