Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Makin' mama proud!

Riley is LOVING school! He recently received an award for 1st quarter. He is crazy about reading! He has completed the Kindergarten list of words they must be able to read on sight and is now working to master the 1st grade list (his goal is to start the 2nd grade list in February and I have no doubt he will!

So... his school is doing this breakfast thing for all the kids and their families... they did a power point presentation...
and this is the picture they had of him...

I'm not sure what kind of look this is but surely they didn't say "smile"... it must have gone something like "show me every one of your teeth or no recess for you for a MONTH!"

It's pretty amazing to watch what he is learning!

While at the school for breakfast, there was a paper he had written on the wall outside the classroom. The assignment was "I am proud of me because..." and I cried when I read his.
Riley wrote that he was proud of himself because he crosses the street by himself (disclaimer: I have started letting him cross at the crosswalk by himself while i stare down any car that comes within a mile of my sweet baby!)

He then wrote about asking a friend to not push him down... i think we have a writer... everyone else wrote a sentence and Riley had 3 or 4 sentences explaining how he handled the situation.

I feel like everyday I have to remind myself that it is our job to prepare him for the world and not to protect him from the world.
Right now, I'm pretty darn proud of how he is handling himself in his world!
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Kimberly said...

Loved this post Lisa!!! It's amazing when our hearts can break and yet be so full at the same time. I remember how hard the first couple of years of school were for me w/ the girls. It's hard letting go!!!