Saturday, July 12, 2008

Trying something new!

We bought a "tag-along" for Riley this spring... today we pulled it out and tried it out.

Riley is VERY cautious and did not want to try it - but we made him try it and after a minute or two he was so excited! Brian rode my bike (with Riley attached) on the first half and I had him the 2nd half. It was fun to have him right behind us - he talked the whole way (not surprising - he is our son!).

It's not easy to make Riley try new things - sometimes I feel so mean - pushing him out of his comfort zone but today is a reminder that it is worth it!

Riley's first time on the tag along!

Pedalling away!

Relaxing in the car after the ride!


Kimberly said...

Loved this post with the pictures and the reminder that sometimes being pushed out of our comfort zone can be a wonderful experience in the end.