Thursday, July 24, 2008

Noah time!

It's a rare day when Noah is the only one awake (as I write this, he and Carter are sleeping soundly and Riley is the one awake -- which is normal at the Darden House)! But earlier this week I had some one on one time with Mr. Noah so I pulled out my die cut machine and let him pick some things to cut. He, being all boy, chose dinosaurs and zoo animals. He even chose the color of the paper - Red & Blue. It was fun to truly enjoy a few minutes of just Noah!

Using his muscles to turn the handle!

punching out the animals!

So proud of his Dinosaur!

Getting started (ok, ok... totally out of order... but I'm not gonna take the time to figure out how to fix it!)

And... the elephant!

Punching out the zoo animals!
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