Monday, May 5, 2008


I thought it would be fun to take a minute to tell y'all about Carter! If you know Carter, well, I hope you get a kick out of this! First of all, the boy LOVES trains! We aren't quite sure how the obsession started (especially since his big brother LOVED construction machines and airplanes at this age!) but he can't get enough!

Carter just turned 3 (on occasion, he has been known to say "I'm turning 5, 6... etc"). He is our family comedian... we often joke that he will be our stand up comedian!

He talks NON-STOP!!! In the car I will often say "Hey, you guys want some crazy kid music?" just so I don't have to answer anymore questions. And... he LOVES to ask the same question about 8 million times. My new favorite response (after I've answered the first time) is to ask him the question he just asked or say "You tell me"

Carter likes to tell jokes and is genuinely funny. Our good friend "Miss Kris" once told Carter that he was funny. A few days later he asked his grandma "Grandma, am I funny?"
She's a good grandma, so she said "Yes, you are."
Carter's response "Miss Kris thinks I'm funny."

He like to repeat what he hears (like every kid) but he especially likes the BIG words!

On a totally different note, Riley (who is now 5) used the word non-functional in a sentence the other day... and used it correctly. His guns (on his transformer) were non-functional. Pretty sure his uncle Bug taught him that one!

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Jon said...

HAHAHAHAHA! I think that I taught him "malfunction" but non-functional? Sure I'll take the credit for that! :) I love my family!

Kimberly said...

Planes, trains, automobiles, tractors, Transformers and non-functioning parts! That's something my house is sorely lacking. Now we have a plethora of Polly Pockets, Littlest Pet Shop, Strawberry Shortcake, My Little Pony and princess "stuff" but I'm sure both my girls would say it's ALL functional cause if it wasn't Daddy would make them get rid of it! =)

Lisa Darden said...

I'm with Keith on this one...
if something is truly "non-functional" we get rid of it! Thankfully, the guns were the only non-functional part of the transformer!
ahhh.... strawberry shortcake. my mom still has my little suitcase full of them. do the new ones smell like fruit????